Elka Boren is a More Truth Will Set You Free Teacher.
This is a very powerful workshop.
Elka has been trained and initiated to facilitate this workshop by Master Healer and Spiritual Teacher Derek O'Neill.
"More Truth Will Set You Free"
is one of the Divine truths.
This powerful statement has multiple levels of meaning.
Being truthful about yourself and what you feel can lead to an understanding of your unconscious reactions to people and situations. This is the truth that can set you free to fully heal and love.
In this workshop, you will enter a profound vortex of healing energy. The teachings brought through at these workshops are ancient wisdom and yet apply to today's world, right up to the now.
Experience profound healing and clearing on all levels.
Release limiting karma and many unresolved issues.
Accelerate your spiritual growth and ascension process.
Move to a higher level of personal consciousness.
Access more of your highest divine potential.
Connect more clearly to Source.
This workshop offers deep healing on all levels.
"Truth is a way of life, not something you visit from time to time."
- DO
Some Testimonials: More Truth Will Set You free Workshops
Discover Your Guardian Angel - The 72 Archangels of God • From the moment of your birth, the Angels PROTECT, GUIDE, TEACH & HELP US |
Healing Circles
Reverend Elka has a unique connection to Source energy. In the Healing Circle, she is able to call in potent spiritual energy to the room through a vortex of healing. This energy goes to all levels of the body on behalf of the people. There is an acceleration of powerful natural healing processes in the room as participants are welcomed into a rarified experience of grace and blessings from Ascended Masters and Angelic Beings bring the experience of profound healing.
Working with this Source energy, Elka helps people return to their natural state of wholeness, as blocks are energetically removed from the subtle and the physical bodies.
This workshop is 2 1/2 hours.
A Healing Workshop
A powerful healing vortex is opened for the group
Ancestral healing takes place
Chakra clearing
Individual healings are offered to each participant
Recalibrates energy body & awakens inner gifts
“My experience in Elka’s workshops involved meditations that allowed me to release old limiting thoughts and escalated to a point where the Masters joined me in passing through the veil to find moments of perfect peace and love. Elka provided a healing to all participants in which she became an open channel for the Ascended Masters.”